Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Technology in PE class

This post is going into uncharted territory. 2 weeks ago our staff was fortunate to have John Maschak from Apple to work with us on designing technology infused lessons and units. The best part of the 2 days was having John give us time to work in small groups to create something that we can use next year including. This could have been a lesson, project or unit; the only caveat was that it must include the use of technology in the unit. 

The great thing about the opportunity to work and collaborate during PD sessions is the conversations that occur. After listening and sitting in sessions for the past 8 years of teaching, the best ones have built in time for applying and discussing what we have just learned. 

I connected with one of our PE teachers Kelly Gallant, and we were off to the races! Kelly is an energetic and dedicated teacher who has embraced technology and is eager to work with the carts of Macbooks that will be available to all teachers starting next fall. By the end of the afternoon, we had worked together to design a project where her students in our new Sports Performance class will create a workout video stretch routine as a culminating activity. 

While we developed this, I tweeted out to my PLN about other PE teachers who are using technology. I was directed to another Jarrod's blog who has done amazing things in PE with technology. His blog is called "The P.E. Geek" and is a must read for anyone who is thinking of using technology in physical education, and for that matter, any classroom. From QR codes, to Skype to Wii Fit, he's done a lot of amazing things. 

My goal while working with Kelly is to build capacity in her students. They will then be able to create these workouts routines to be used again and again in future classes! Great work Kelly! The future of Sports performance will be bright with personal reflections, blogs, video diaries and using technology regularly to track progress of students achievements. 

Have you heard of tech being used anywhere else in PE class? Ideas? Please share...


  1. This is great! I have a PE teacher in my school who would love this and the blog you pointed to. Great stuff.

  2. I would like to start a PLN for Technology and PE in hopes of revitalizing the curriculum I teach. Essentially, I would like the students to access our prescribed learning outcomes and design a way of meeting them in a way which suits them best; via technology. Interested? Please post your comment and let's get it started!


    1. Very interested. I have begun to use podcasts and vodcasts and have ipods for each student or every other student for in class use. The speed of the internet is very important. Let me know what you are looking into doing and I can help and provide some ideas as well. I am at the college level but integrating tech and PE into the schools K-12 within my town.


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