Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Setting up for RTV News Assessment

The big idea that I'm going to implement in semester 2 of RTV News is a way of students being more aware of their learning. I hope to accomplish this through a blogfolio.

Students will have the major outcomes presented to them at the beginning of each two week RTV news run. While they complete the jobs required for their position at RTV they will look at essential questions related to the outcomes as they would apply in a newsroom. Typography and principals of design will be looked at first as we develop our RTV News intro and picture in picture graphics is one example of how it will be integrated.

How can I help them with this process?
I've decided to blog with them on the same topics as they. Just prior to their blogs being due I will be reflecting on the essential questions and outcomes and giving evidence from the students' work to support it. I hope to provide "big picture" advice and comments on the class as a whole. This means I'm starting a new blog!!

With the type of outcomes in the curriculum I'd love to go with a different scale that a percentage grade. This type of class is one where the students' work and visual products and reflection of personal learning and application to their next task is where I want to be. If a student creates a "failing" news report for the first 3 times and then finally gets it for the fourth, am I going to fail him or her? The answer should be no, but mathematically, they could fail if I took the cumulative points average. That's why I like the idea of students completing several tasks over a period of time, get feedback from peers and myself for these products, then use that feedback to highlight their very best work.

Ideas, thoughts?


  1. Couldn't the first three attempts be assessment for learning and the 4th attempt be the assessment of learning? Not everything is for a mark but everything is for learning.

  2. I totally agree. I was just describing what usually happens in a class where all assignments are given 'marks'.
